wisps of ethereal whispers

Feb 25, 2023

panging plentiful purity, purging putrid polypropylene

embracing embers emanate, enunciate, engulf, emancipate

preaching penance, primordial prehistoric premonitions

“do phoenixes arise from dinosaurian ashes?”

ritual retributions journal jurassic jurisdictions

forlorn forgotten forsaken fair folk Fae

rights undressed and bathed

boldly bravely becoming unwrong

lords and lordesses gather to throng

unwinding unceremoniously attempting to unbelong

along comes a khaki lathi asking you to move along

bend down a knee and pray they say
why not conform?

it’s just around the corner, barely a furlong

remember all that you once used to praise and worship
renovated a momentary lapse ago through the papal warship