Blackout Belonging/Loneliness/Migration
achieve existence
moving through corners
eternally battling identity crisis
birthed beautifully within
hyperadaptability and the gift of tongues
come to a sense of unbelonging
fundamental existence and solace within
sanctity and solitude
are we lonely?
or craving companionship?
surrounded by people and still alone
solace in the sense of unbelonging
a speck of dust on a tiny rock
spinning through space and time
diving into Weltschmerz
become aware of feelings and patterns
time manifests as a remedy
allow ourselves to feel and emote
enveloped and engulfed
diasporical descent
people moving since time immemorial
evidenced by the food we eat and the tongues we speak
nation-states as literal blockades
bordering and fencing humanity
drifting through physical and virtual spaces
constant flux and inertia
inherent human experiences
privileged minority
atypical scales and perspectives
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